Professional Chapters

Professional Chapters

ACNM provides its members with an opportunity to form Professional Chapters in different parts of the country from grass root level in order to organize Conferences, Seminars, Scientific Events, Workshops for the benefit of ACNM members locally as well as for ACNM Committee in general. ACNM with the help of its thousands of professional members all across the world annually conducts more than 20 international conferences, publishes more than five thousand research papers in its peer reviewed journals, transactions and awards number of professionals for their excellence in the field of Neuroscience, Neurology and Neurosurgery.

ACNM Chapter participation provides a unique combination of social interaction and professional dialogue among peers, in their own geographic area. Chapter members' backgrounds represent all facets of Neuroscience, Neurology and Neurosurgery Professionals from academia, research and industry; it will invariably focus on the kind of information and insight that cannot easily be gathered in any other way.

If you have further questions regarding starting ACNM chapter, please contact [email protected]

Professional Chapter Resources and Benefits

The following benefits are available to all types of ACNM Professional Chapters which includes:

Administrative Interface - allowing you to manage your chapter’s members, update your chapter’s contact information, and much more!

Chapter Web Tools - ACNM offers chapters the following web tools: Website hosting, Social Media Networking and blogs. For more information please go to: ACNM Chapter Page

Local Activities Calendar – You can let chapter members, ACNM members, and other professionals in the field of Neuroscience, Neurology and Neurosurgery know about our upcoming events: ACNM forthcoming events Page

Simply login with your ACNM Chapter Web Account and choose ‘Add’ in the ‘Chapter Events/Local Activities Calendar’ box.

SFNP Chapter Member Locator - ACNM Chapter Member Locator - If a group of chapter organizers do not have enough members (10 in total are needed), ACNM will send a message to a selected group of ACNM members those might be interested in helping to start the chapter. Please contact [email protected] if you are interested in this service.

Professional Chapter Member Benefits

ACNM Professional Chapter Members can avail the ACNM Professional Membership Benefits

Guidelines for the formation of ACNM Professional Chapter in an Academic Institution

To establish a ACNM Professional Chapter in an academic institution

The Head of the academic Institution, after ascertaining that the institution has at least 25 registered professional members & 4 life time members of ACNM across all categories of membership, shall forward a letter requesting establishment of the new Professional Chapter on the campus to the President of ACNM along with a list of chapter members comprising of,

At least three or more faculties from the institution in the field of Neuroscience, Neurology and Neurosurgery.

Membership is open to all other departments of the academic institution, where there is interest in the areas of Neuroscience, Neurology and Neurosurgery. Faculty members as well as research scholars can enroll to be members of ACNM Professional Chapter.

The Professional Members will elect one among themselves as the Chapter Head

The initial team Chapter Head will decide on a term not exceeding one year from the date of installation of the Chapter and publish a notice for election of office bearers forming the Chapter Executive Committee (CEC) within this period.

The Chapter Executive Committee (CEC) comprises of the President, the Vice-President, Secretary and other council members.

The CEO of ACNM will grant final approval for the Chapter and present the chapter announcement.

How to Start a Professional ACNM Chapter

ACNM Chapter participation provides a unique combination of social interaction and professional dialogue among peers, in their own geographic area. ACNM Chapter members' backgrounds represent all professionals in the field of Neuroscience, Neurology and Neurosurgery from academia, research, business and industry.

Start an ACNM Professional Chapter in easy 4 steps :

Entries made during the application process may be saved and completed at a later time by visiting the URL sent to the ACNM chapter email address.

Step 1 : Enter ACNM chapter name, chapter email address, chapter type, and chapter sub-type.

Step 2 : Enter the names of the individuals to serve as Chair, Vice Chair and Treasurer. These individuals must be ACNM Professional Members.

Step 3 : Enter chapter contact information (University Name, postal address and phone number, Contact Person Name).

Step 4 : Enter the names of at least twenty five (25) professional members willing to carry out the chapter's mission and participate in activities. The last name, first name, and email addresses of these members will be required.

Once the completed application is submitted, it will be reviewed by the ACNM Local Activities Manager within five to seven business days.

If you have further queries regarding starting ACNM chapter, please contact [email protected]